Page 94 - Microsoft Word - Using Adhoc & Analytics Expressview Reports - Participant Guide (SDL).docx
P. 94

Create an Opportunity record
                   1.  Open up the Company record for ABC Construction
                   2.  Select the Associated Opportunities tab along the top
                   3.  Click the +Opportunity button on the right side of the section
                   4.  Enter the following under General Info:
                          a.  Opportunity Name: New School Building
                          b.  Client Company: ABC Construction
                          c.  Stage: 01-Prospecting
                   5.  In the shortcut panel on the left side, select Categorization
                          a.  For Offices, click +Add and make a selection
                          b.  For Practice Areas, click +Add and select Education
                          c.  For Primary Categories, click +Add and make a selection
                   6.  In the shortcut panel on the left side, select Staff Team
                   7.  Click the +Add Staff Team Member button
                   8.  Search for and select Matt Jones
                   9.  For Staff Role, open the dropdown and select Assistant Project Manager
                   10. Click Add
                   11. Click Save at the bottom of the form

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