Page 8 - GC_Proj_Plan_Participant_GuideSDL
P. 8
Learning Objectives
Identify project resources by skills and availability
• Describe Unanet system requirements for utilizing TBD Users and UnaSource
• Generate reports to identify available resources with the necessary skills for a
Unanet’s planning features are available within the Project Portfolio and Project Portfolio
Plus licenses. Project Portfolio Plus includes the option to use the UnaSource User
role, which makes users available to be planned on a project. Unanet Portfolio Plus
licenses are reduced-rate licenses used for planning purposes only and cannot be
associated with actuals. When UnaSource User is enabled as the only role on a
Person Profile, the user will be counted as a UnaSource Only license, which does not
count against the total user count; when enabled in conjunction with other roles, the
user will be counted as a full Project Portfolio license.
Unanet Project Portfolio Plus or Project Portfolio Financials Plus licenses provide the
option to create a TBD Planning Resource which may either be a real person OR a
placeholder until a real person can be found to complete the work. If a resource is
assigned the TBD Planning Resource, they will automatically be assigned the
UnaSource User role as well, and all other roles will be disabled. TBD Planning
Resource users do not log in or create actuals, and may be excluded from certain
reporting values, e.g., capacity on the Headcount report; however, they are immensely
helpful in planning ghost/stretch/unknown or unnamed resources until a named
resource is made available. A resource may use a UnaSource User license to be
available for planning without being a TBD Planning Resource to include them in
capacity reporting. However, resources will typically be assigned both of these roles to
utilize a UnaSource license while excluding the resources from capacity on reports.
Planning people on a project requires the Resource Planner role. If a user also has the
Resource Assigner role, the same user can create plans and assignments on the
same screen. Plans and proposals can be created with TBD Planning Resource or
UnaSource Only licenses then assigned to full license users in Unanet once the project
is approved/won without having to recreate the plans. Projects can also be planned with
resources that have not yet been hired or known in Unanet when a proposal is
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