Page 97 - Unanet AE: Administering the System
P. 97
Activity 10.3 – Create a UDF Table
In this activity, you will create a UDF table using the UDF Table Designer.
Activity Steps
Part 1: Create a Table
1. Navigate to Administration > UDF Table Manager. The UDF Table Manager
applet opens.
2. Select the New button.
3. Type Family in the Display Name field.
4. Use the information in the table to create a column:
Field Information
Name Cus_Spouse
Caption Spouse
Data Type Varchar
Size 50
5. Use the information in the table to create a column:
Field Information
Name Cus_Children
Caption Children
Data Type Varchar
Size 50
6. Select the Save button.
7. Select the Data tab.
8. Select the Load Data button.
9. Select the following check boxes:
• Allow Insert
• Allow Update
• Allow Delete
• Fit Columns
10. Select the Create Gridget link.
11. Select the Save button.
12. Close the UDF Table Manager applet.
Part 2: Create a User Defined Field for the Table
1. Navigate to Administration > UDF Designer. The UDF Designer window
2. Select Employees from the Applet drop-down list.
Lesson 10: Customizing the User Interface ©2025 Unanet. All rights reserved. 97