Page 79 - Unanet AE: Introduction to Project Management
P. 79
6. Type Back Cove in the Client field.
7. Press Enter.
8. Type 20140000 in the Project field.
9. Type Retainer – 0001 in the Invoice Number field.
10. Type 12345 in the Check Number field.
11. Type 12345 in the Deposit Number field.
12. Type 15000 in the Amount field.
13. Select the Apply button.
Activity 3.2 – Verify Retainer Balance
In this activity, you will review the places where you can verify the retainer
Activity Steps
1. Navigate to Project Administration > Reports > Project Figures. The Project
Figures window opens.
1. Type 20140000 in the Project field.
2. Press Enter.
3. Select the Print button. The Project PTD Figures report displays.
4. Select 15000 in the Received column for the Unapplied Advances row. The
Sales Journal entry displays.
5. Select the back arrow to return to the parent report.
6. Select the X to close the report.
7. Navigate to Accounts Receivable > PA Bill Review. The PA Bill Review applet
8. Type <Today’s Date> in the As of field.
9. Select the Load button.
10. Select Back Cove Pedestrian Bridge from the Projects pane.
11. Navigate to Project Management > PM Bill Review. The Project Figures
window opens.
12. Type <Today’s Date> in the As of field.
13. Clear the Project Leader field.
14. Select the Load button.
15. Select Back Cove Pedestrian Bridge from the Projects pane.
16. Navigate to Project Administration > Projects. The Project Figures window
17. Type 20140000 in the Search field.
18. Press Enter.
19. Select the Recent tab.
20. Type <Today’s Date> in the Transactions Since field.
21. Select the right arrow button.
LESSON 3: RETAINERS ©2024 Unanet. All rights reserved. 79