Page 28 - Participant Guide - Unanet GovCon Analyzing Project Metrics
P. 28

Remember, that if the project profile > accounting tab checks the ‘limit
                            revenue to funded value less fixed fee’, this report will only show a value
                            higher than funded value if the system is calculating on gross. Reference
                            Review Impact of Revenue Calculation Formula section of this guide for
                            a refresher on this topic.

                       Demo 3.3 – Project Cost Summary & Status Report

                        Instructor is logged in as Gus. His relevant role is Project Lead and the system
                        setting to allow non-cost rate managers access to Project Cost Reports

                        Demo Highlights:
                          -  Use Saved Report APF-Demo 3.3 Reviewing Profit for FP&TM
                          -  Review key features and primary analysis tips for this report to include:
                                 o  Saved Criteria Review
                                 o  Explain Actuals + Allocated BOT-EOT
                                 o  Consider billing type in analysis
                                 o  Modify criteria to show different cost report name selections
                                 o  Modify criteria to show plans over forecast

                        Activity 3.4 –Project Cost Summary and Status Report using
                        Fixed Price (FP) and Time & Material (TM) Projects

                        Run and analyze a profit-type report for a FP and a TM project. Work to
                        understand how the total calculated profit for each billing type is compared to
                        the budget and funding values from the project.

                        Stay logged in as Gus. His relevant role is Project Lead and the system setting
                        to allow non-cost rate managers access to Project Cost Reports.
                        userid: glead  password: welcome

               Activity Steps

               PART 1: Review the report’s Actuals & Allocated BOT-EOT column
                       1.  Navigate to the Reports dashboard > Project Accounting Reports section >
                          Periodic Reports > run the Cost Summary & Status Report
                       2.  Run the saved report APF-Activity 3.3 Reviewing Profit for FP&TM or
                          manually use the following criteria:
                              a.  PROJECT CODE field for APF- REVIEWING
                              b.  BILLING TYPE:  choose FP and TM
                              c.  COST REPORT NAME: UU_PM Profit (Gross)
                              d.  REPORTING PERIOD:
                                       - CALENDAR: choose the radio button for YEAR

               Lesson 3: Revenue and Profitability Reports
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