Page 6 - Unanet AE: Setting Up Projects
P. 6
Learning Objectives
Recall the information found on the Project tabs in Unanet AE.
Project Tabs
This section reviews tabs and fields in the Projects applet.
The General tab contains information that lays the groundwork for a new project. The
following fields are available.
** Indicates a required field
Project Info
• Active - When checked, the project is active. Once a project is inactive it cannot
receive charges. Reports/Dashboards for inactive projects are available.
• **Code - Project (Node) Code. This code must be unique. You can change the
project code and all of the history will follow with that recoding.
• ** Name - Project (Node) Name.
• ** Charge Type - Determines the type of project. There are five types of projects
in Unanet AE. The choice affects the chargeable nature of the project. All charge
types require a client except indirect. Indirect or overhead projects are typically
used to track administrative expenses that cannot or will not be charged to a
• Client - Like vendors, clients (and prospects) are considered firms in Unanet AE.
When a client is added, it can later be flagged to act as a vendor. The opposite is
also true. Prospects are firms that are prospective clients. Once they become
clients, they are no longer prospects. Clients are required for billable projects.
• Template - When checked, the project is considered a template. Templates
cannot receive charges and are visible in the project setup. They are used to
create new projects.
Project Types
• Contract Type - Contract types can appear on Project Management reports.
Examples of contract types are Fixed Fee, T&M, and Cost Plus. Contract types
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