Page 15 - Administering the System Participant Guide (SDL)
P. 15
When using Unanet Financials, a Financial Organization represents a legal entity for
which a separate set of books is maintained for the various departments, regions, and
divisions within the legal entity. The designation of Financial Organization is a flag on
the organization itself. All Person Organizations (for employees but not subcontractors)
and all Project Owning Organizations must be designated in the organization profile as
Financial organizations.
Once an Organization is designated as a Financial Organization, that
selection cannot be changed. Please double-check that a new Organization is
part of a Legal Entity before designating it a Financial Organization.
Customer Organizations
•Any entity from which you will receive payments
•Requires an active Customer Profile
Financial Organizations
•Organizations that will be reported on financial statements
•Available for transaction entry
Owning Organizations
•Internal business unit responsible for project/task
Person Organizations
•Company/department/division by which a user is employed
•Required on the Person Profile
Project Organizations
•Company or department for which work is being performed
Vendor Organizations
•Any entity to which you will make payments
•Requires an active Vendor Profile
•Can be used for employee expense reimbursement and managing
Modifying the Organizational Hierarchy
A common reason to modify the Financial or Organizational Hierarchy is to reflect the
expansion or realignment of a business. Only Organizations that are Legal Entities or
subdivisions of a Legal Entity should be marked as Financial Organizations to track
costs and income on financial statements. Beyond creating new internal Organizations,
an Administrator may need to change parent-child relationships or migrate existing
users to different departments.
Lesson 1: Managing Organizations ©2021 Unanet. All rights reserved.