Page 70 - Microsoft Word - Using Adhoc & Analytics Expressview Reports - Participant Guide (SDL).docx
P. 70
Activity 16.4 – Use a notification Workflow to create a project
setup form that gets sent to accounting
Activity Steps
Part 1: Create the Workflow
1. Click the Administration button
a. Hover over General Administration
b. Select Workflow 2.0 from secondary dropdown menu
2. Click the + New Workflow button on the top-left of the module
3. Type “Opportunity Closed Won – Notify Accounting” in the Name field
4. For the Resource dropdown, select Opportunity
5. For the Event dropdown, select Update
Part 2: Build the Workflow
1. For the bottom pane, select the Workflow Actions tab
2. Click the +Add Action button
3. Select Email
4. Fill out To: Other
5. Fill out Subject: Opp Closed Won
a. Click into message are and find the variable for Opportunity Number and
paste in Subject %opportunity.oppnumber%
6. In the message box, fill in the following:
a. Opportunity Name
i. Click Insert Variable and find and select Name
b. Type Opportunity Number
i. Click Insert Variable and find and select Opportunity Number
c. Type Client Name
i. Click Insert Variable and find and select Client Name
d. Type Closed Date
i. Click Insert Variable and find and select Client Name
e. Type Link
i. Click Insert Variable and find and select Link
7. Select the Event: Update Filters tab
8. Select Resource: Opportunity Filters (after update) tab
a. Click +Add Filter and fill in the following
i. Stage equals Closed Won
ii. Stage has changed
9. Select the Workflow Summary tab to review the workflow
10. Click Save
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