Page 26 - Unanet GovCon: Managing Project Execution and Control - Participant Guide (ILT)
P. 26
There is one strict requirement for reforecasting in Unanet: the assignment or budget
must be edited in the same increment in which it was created. This means that an
assignment created using a weekly increment can only be edited in a grid using weekly
periods. Unanet recommends matching the assignment increment to the increment in
which you will review the performance of the assignment against the actuals. Attempting
to modify a People Assignment or Expense Budget using a different time increment
than the one used to create them will result in a grayed-out grid of read-only cells that
cannot be edited. As with plans, assignments can only be edited in the same increment
as created.
Unanet will only allow a Person
Assignment or Expense Budget to be
modified if the new entry uses the
same time increment. A mismatch between
the existing increment and the new
increment will result in a grayed-out read-
only grid.
Generating a report using a forecasted view, which includes actuals and future
assignments, will automatically repopulate any past assignments with the actuals for the
selected period. This is the primary logic behind only updating the future assignments,
and a powerful way for the project manager to control the end status of the project.
Unanet offers two methods for updating future assignments and/or budgets during
reforecasting: the People Assigner or Expense Budgeter options within the Forecast
menu, or the Expense Budgets and People Assignments menu options within a Project.
Unanet recommends using the interactive People Assigner and/or the Expense
Budgeter available in the Forecast menu to include the remaining periods for a project
and update multiple projects at the same time.
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