Page 25 - Participant Guide - Unanet GovCon Managing Project Resources
P. 25
Activity 2.6 – Create People Assignments from Plans
Create people assignments using the project plans as the source of the
assignment information. Remain logged in as Gus Lead. (userid: glead
password: welcome)
Activity Steps
1. Navigate back to the Project List
3. On the Project Profile tab, note that the assignments will be validated against
project assignments not specific task assignments.
4. On the left-side dashboard, navigate to People Plans > List > List
5. Notice that there are a few plan records. One set for Jack that have no Task and
Milo has a few records planned for Task 1. Project Management
6. On the left-side dashboard, navigate to People Plans > Assign Plans
7. Click on the List tab to push all plan over to the Assignment Edit Screen
There will be two actions to review:
• Plans that were created at the Project Level have been copied over
to the Assignment edit screen and can be selected to be saved as
People Assignments.
Lesson 2: People and Expense Plans
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