Page 13 - Unanet CRM: Using Publisher with Microsoft Word
P. 13
Configure WYSIWYG Settings for Publisher 4.0
You can define the desired functionality of your HTML editor and how it handles when a
user presses the Enter key in various fields affecting Microsoft Word formatting.
Mode Code Description
Defines a paragraph – automatically adds a single
Paragraph Mode <p> </p>
blank line before and after each <p> element.
Inserts a single line break in the text (forced-line
Break Mode <br/>
break, soft-return, carriage-return).
A generic container for a block of content. No effect
Div Mode <div> </div> on the content or layout until styled in some way
using CSS.
Demo 1.4 – Configuring WYSIWYG Editor Settings
In this activity, you will configure the WYSIWYG Editor Settings for Publisher
Activity Steps
1. Select the Administration icon on the Unanet CRM header. The
Administration menu opens.
2. Select General Administration. The Administration page opens.
3. Select the Firm Setup tab.
4. Scroll down to the WYSIWYG Editor Settings section.
5. Use the information in the table below to update the WYSIWYG Editor Settings.
Setting Mode
Personnel Previous Project Experience Div Mode
Personnel Project Experience Div Mode
Project Description Div Mode
Project Description for Publisher Resumes Div Mode
Publisher Format HTML Div Mode
6. Select the Save button.
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