Page 16 - Participant Guide - Unanet CRM TrackingAnalyzingData (SDL)
P. 16

i. Title: Austin Win Rate
                          b. Title: Open Opportunities by Lead BD
                          c. Height: 600
                          d. Chart Type: Column
                          e. Data Type: Fee
                          f. Fee Type: Sum; Firm Estimated Fee
                          g. Group 1: Personnel
                   4. Open Filters tab
                          a. Select in Staff Role: Lead Business Developer
                   5. Open Stage Types tab
                          a. Select Open
                   6. Click Save

               NOTE: This column chart shows bars representing the sum of the firm estimated fee
               dollar amounts. Upon hovering a specific bar the Count will be displayed. Conversely, if
               you chose Count for Fee Type a hover would display the Sum.

               Duplicate a Widget
               It is very useful to duplicate (clone) an existing, configured widget to adjust it to meet a
               similar need. This eliminates the extra work of creating the widget from scratch. Be
               aware that cloning will carry over all settings, filters, and selections.

               Part 2: Create a Chart for Open Opportunities by Lead BD and Practice Area
                   1. Clone the widget from Part 1, by clicking the Clone button          next to the X

                   2. Configure the widget by clicking the gear icon
                   3. Update widget settings
                          a. Title: Open Opportunities by Lead BD and Practice Area
                          b. Chart Type: Stacked Column 3D
                          c. Group 2: Practice Areas
                   4. Click Save
                   5. On the legend, click Corporate to unselect that Practice Area from being

               Part 3: Create a Table for Open Opportunities by Lead BD and Practice Area
                   1. Clone the widget from Part 2, by clicking the Clone button          next to the X

                   2. Configure the widget by clicking the gear icon
                   3. Update widget settings
                          a. Chart Type: Multi-Series List Results
                   4. Click Save

               Lesson 2: Track Firm Progress
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