Page 17 - Participant Guide - Unanet CRM TrackingAnalyzingData (SDL)
P. 17
Opportunity Analysis Widget
This widget is a special configuration of the Opportunity Financial Data widget
customized to display aggregate details about money fields, record counts, and
Activity 2.7 – How can I create an analysis of opportunities
we pursue versus what we are awarded by practice area?
Activity Steps on Web App
1. From a dashboard, add the Opportunity Analysis widget
a. Click Dashboard Settings
2. Create a new tab on your dashboard by clicking the + button across the top bar
above Tab Title and Layout
a. Title the tab Analysis
b. Choose a layout of 1 Column
c. Click + button next to Opportunity Analysis just passed halfway of the
second section Module: Contact Manager
3. Close the Settings pop-up window
NOTE: It is beneficial to allow the whole screen to display this widget with the use of a 1
column layout to see the numerous columns of data available.
4. On the new widget, click the gear icon to configure
a. Complete the following configuration on the first tab Widget Options:
i. Title: Opps Pursued vs Won by Practice Area
ii. Fee Type: Firm Estimated Fee
iii. Group 1: Practice Areas
iv. Select Fields to display: check all
b. Open the Total Opps Config tab and configure:
i. Date Filter: Close Date
ii. Date Range:
c. Open the Total Opps Stages tab and configure:
i. Check stages 10-Closed Won and 11-Closed Lost
d. Open the Opp Group Config tab and configure:
i. Date Filter: Close Date
ii. Date Range:
e. Open the Opps Group Stages tab and configure:
i. Check stage 10-Closed Won
5. Click Save
It is important to ensure that the Date Filter and Date Range are the same on
Total Opps Config and Opp Group Config tabs.
Lesson 2: Track Firm Progress