Page 55 - Unanet CRM: Using Publisher with Microsoft Word
P. 55
Learning Objectives
Explain how to create a Word Opportunity Document with Unanet CRM data.
• Explain how to create an Opportunity Profile template.
• Recall how to upload an Opportunity Profile template to Unanet CRM.
• Explain how to create and generate an Opportunity Profile Document with CRM
Unanet CRM’s Publisher 4.0 module generates Opportunity records, such as letter
proposals, cover letters, and proposal covers as Word files.
We recommend marking up a hard copy of your existing document with the Unanet
CRM field names for each piece of data. This is a helpful reference document when you
build your template.
LESSON 6: OPPORTUNITY PROFILES ©2023 Unanet. All rights reserved. 55