Page 64 - Unanet AE: Administering the System
P. 64

Activity 7.1 – Create and Edit ReportBuilder Reports
                          In this activity, you will create and edit a report using ReportBuilder.

               Activity Steps

               Part 1: Datasets
                   1.  Navigate to Utilities > Custom Reports. The Custom Report applet opens.
                   2.  Select Launch ReportBuilder on the toolbar. The ReportBuilder window
                   3.  Select Time Sheets from the Datasets list.
                   4.  Select the Next button on the bottom right corner.

               Part 2: Fields
                   1.  Type Project path in filter fields.
                   2.  Select Project_path_1.
                   3.  Select the right-facing arrow to move the field to the Selected Fields list.
                   4.  Repeat steps 1-3 to add the following fields to the Selected Fields list:
                       •  Project_Name_1
                       •  Employee_is_Active
                       •  Employee_Code
                       •  Employee_Name
                       •  Work_Date
                       •  Work_Hours
                       •  Effort_Amount
                       •  Bill_Hours
                       •  Bill_Rate
                       •  Pay_Amount
                   5.  Use the up and down arrows to reorder the fields as necessary, so that they
                       appear in the same order as the list in step 4.
                   6.  Select the Next button.

               Part 3: Calculated Fields
                   1.  Select the Use Calculated Fields check box.
                   2.  Type Profit in the Field Name field.
                   3.  Use the Field Expression builder to create the following expression:
                       (Bill_Hours * Bill_Rate) – Pay_Amount
                   4.  Select the Next button.

               Part 4: Sorts
                   1.  Select Project_Path_1 from the first Field Name drop-down list.
                   2.  Select Employee_Code from the second Field Name drop-down list.
                   3.  Select the Next button.

               Lesson 7: Creating Reports                                   ©2025 Unanet. All rights reserved.  64
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