Page 22 - GC Using the Reports Dashboard_eBook(SDL)
P. 22
Cost Summary & Status Generates a forecasted job summary report for selected projects in a
given date range with the ability to compare budgeted costs with
forecast at completion
Earned Value Displays the Earned Value for selected projects within a defined Current
period as well as the lifetime of each project
Project Revenue & Funding How do the total costs of my project(s) compare to their budgeted and
Summary funded values?
Project Cost Summary What are the true total costs and revenue for my project(s)?
Criteria Highlights
Examples of criteria fields found in the Project Accounting reports section can include:
Allows the user to specify My Primary Projects – Limits report output to
which users or projects to projects to which the current user has been assigned
include in the report as a primary Project Administrator
My Primary and Alternate Projects – Limits report
output to projects to which the current user is
assigned as a primary or alternate Project
Administrator or is defined as a global alternate to a
Report On user that has access to a particular project.
All Projects I can see - Limits report output to the
above two universes of projects in addition to any
projects that belong to a Project Organization for
which the current user has been granted
Organization Access (unless the user has the
Administrator role, in which case no filtering will
A required field used to Cost Report definitions must be configured by the
Cost Report indicate which cost report Administrator in Admin > Setup
Name definition should be applied
to the resulting output
Enables the user to Show Plans – Displays People and Expense plans
customize the report output for selected projects using a selected Plan Set
based on specific elements
Show Budgets – Displays Expense Budgets for
Row Options selected projects
Show Actuals – Displays time and expense actuals
for selected projects
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