Page 26 - GC Using the Reports Dashboard_eBook(SDL)
P. 26
Displays the current status of selected projects as a Project-level
Project Status summary or a detailed breakdown including Tasks, Project Manager,
Project Notes, etc.
Criteria Highlights
The table below includes descriptions of several key criteria fields available on Project
Accounting reports.
Allows the user to specify which My Primary Projects – Limits report output to
users or projects to include in projects to which the current user has been
the report assigned as a primary Project Administrator
My Primary and Alternate Projects – Limits
report output to projects to which the current
user is assigned as a primary or alternate
Project Administrator or is defined as a global
Report On alternate to a user that has access to a
particular project
All Projects I can see - Limits report output to
the above two universes of projects in addition
to any projects that belong to a Project
Organization for which the current user has
been granted Organization Access (unless the
user has the Administrator role, in which case
no filtering will occur)
Enables the user to select Show Projects: Includes details for each
specific project attributes that will selected Project
appear in the resulting output
Show Project Titles: Displays the Project Title
after the Project Code
Show Project Account Number: Includes
Account Numbers associated with each
selected Project
Options Show Project Types: Includes details by
Project Type and may include an additional
level of subtotaling
Show Pay Codes: Includes details for pay
codes associated with each selected Project
Show Labor Categories: Includes details for
labor categories associated with each selected
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