Page 29 - GC Using the Reports Dashboard_eBook(SDL)
P. 29

Displays information regarding selected People’s utilization in terms of actual
               Resource Allocation      hours, assigned hours, or planned hours in daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly

                                                  SUMMARY REPORTS
                   REPORT NAME                                     DESCRIPTION
                                        Summarizes accrued time details and remaining balance liability amount
                                        within a given date range for a selected user, Person Organization, or Accrual
               Accrual Summary          Plan

                                        Displays a variety of capacity and availability information including budgeted
               Performance Summary  and planned hours and actual time charges

                                                   STATUS REPORTS
               REPORT NAME                                         DESCRIPTION
               Expense Report Status  Provides the status of Expense Reports, including any pending approvers

                                        Provides the status of a timesheet, hours completed vs hours recorded by a
               Timesheet Status         specific user, and the percentage of hours completed within a given time
                                        period based on users’ Business Week definition

               Criteria Highlights

               One field that all People reports have in common is the Report On dropdown menu. The
               available selection options are shown below.

                 FIELD NAME             DESCRIPTION                        CRITERIA OPTIONS
                                  Allows the user to specify which   My Primary Approvees – Limits report output
                                  People or Person Organizations   to include only Approval Group(s) to which the
                                  to include in the report       current user has been assigned as primary

                                                                 My Primary and Alternate Approvees – Limits
                                                                 report output to include Approval Group(s) to
                                                                 which the current user has been assigned as
                                                                 primary approver OR as an alternate Manager
                     Report On
                                                                 All People I can see - Limits report output to
                                                                 include Approval Group(s) to which the current
                                                                 user has been assigned as primary approver
                                                                 OR as an alternate Manager in addition to any
                                                                 People that belong to a Person Organization for
                                                                 which the current user has been granted
                                                                 Organization Access (unless the user has the
                                                                 Administrator role, in which case no filtering will

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