Page 37 - Unanet GovCon Administering the Subcontractor Portal - Participant Guide eBook
P. 37
ASSIGNMENTS tab: (to view user Assignments created for PO lines)
Assignment Fields: Descriptions:
Delete/Edit icons Delete - Purchase Order Assigners can delete the assignment.
Note that deleting an assignment for a line item with a project
that requires PO for time or expense reporting will cause an
error when user submits the timesheet or expense report.
Edit - Purchase Order Assigners can edit person or date range
for PO Lines that have OPEN status.
# Line Number Shows the specific PO Line for the Assignment
Person Shows the Person Assigned
Assigned Begin/End Dates Shows the Person’s Assignment date range
Project Shows which project the person is assigned to (required to
assign users)
Task If applicable
Project Assignment date Shows the related project assignment dates for this
range assignment if the project assignment exists. Assignments are
matched on project, person, date range, and task.
PO Viewers and PO Assigners can click on the Attachments tab to see the attachments
related to line items. Only attachments identified as "Email with PO" in Unanet will be
Create PO Assignments in Subcontractor Portal
Navigate: Portal > Dashboard > Purchase Orders (left side menu) > Select specific PO
For Purchase Orders involving Labor or Expenses, Purchase Order Assignments are
used to create the link between a timesheet or expense report and a PO. The following
are some reasons to use Purchase Order (PO) assignments:
• To allow Vendor Invoices to be created in the Subcontractor portal from
subcontractor’s project transactions (timesheets/expense reports)
• Subcontractors' timesheets (expense reports) will decrease Unanet’s PO
commitments in real time
• Utilize a 3-way match process when creating Vendor Invoices between PO,
project transactions (timesheets/expense reports), and Vendor Invoices
PO Assigners can assign Subcontractor time and expense users to open PO labor and
expense detail lines for a specific date range. To create an Assignment in the
Subcontractor Portal, a project must be associated to the PO. On the DETAILS tab,
Select the line then use DETAILS at bottom of page to view additional information (e.g.,
project). When PO Assignments are added or modified, the primary Project Managers
and Resource Assigners of the affected projects can be notified.
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